Schweinsteiger The Perfect Chelsea Signing?


With an abundance of talent already in the Chelsea midfield, albeit on the ageing side, the wisdom of signing 30 year old Deco has already been questioned. One question mark in particular appears to be that should Deco have been brought in to replace 20 goal a season Lampard, it seems likely Chelsea would be faced with somewhat of a void to fill. However, according to reports in yesterdays press, Scolari could already be considering his options where this dilemma is concerned.

Because, according to the daily’s yesterday, Deco isn’t the only midfielder from Euro 2008 that Big Phil wants in his new midfield. Having already been linked with the likes of Juventus, Inter Milan and Manchester United, Bastian Schweinsteiger, one of the stars of this year’s tournament is now thought to have found his way to the top of Scolari’s summer shopping list, with Chelsea rumoured to be preparing a £10million bid. And with Schweinsteiger already admitting “England does have a good appeal as it’s one of the world’s best leagues. I’ve always wanted to play there”, maybe linking up with his international mate Ballack might sway it for him?

The German powerhouse, said to have particularly impressed Scolari against Portugal (despite the fact the two goals he set up in addition to the one he scored put them out of the competition), can apparently play just about anywhere across the midfield. Although a left midfielder, he can play on the right, defensively or just off the frontmen. He’s great on the ball, a specialist at set pieces and his shot packs a fair bit of power to boot. Add to that the fact he’s another 6-footer and a youthful 23, and the departure of Lampard might not look so painful after all.

4 Responses

  1. of course it is the best signing they can do bastian is young an have such a great technicke and power for just an small price

  2. I think he would suit the English game well. But the fact that he can play anywhere across the midfield may haper his chances of nailing down a starting berth…he may be used just when others are injured? Never-the-less, he would be a good signing for Chelsea..even though signing a player on the back of a good international tournament is dangerous. Poborsky anyone???

  3. This is the sort of signing we’re crying out for. Young, talented, potential to improve and at 10million we could get a good profit if things went to plan.

  4. Schweinsteiger was hailed as the German Beckham a few years ago and he is an exciting, skilful player. However, I also saw evidence in Euro 2008 the often gives the ball away with careless, sloppy passing and doesn’t appear to concentrate when he should.

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